Monday, March 31, 2008

Opening Day, Politics, and Cancer

Welcome back to my random blog about random crap. Woot.

The Cleveland Indians are undefeated... and will continue to be for the next 172 games they play as well, just remember, you heard it here first.

Before everyone starts jumping off a cliff because our ace was 'bombed' please remember that it's the first week of the longest regular season in sports. Also note that the bombing was done by Jim Traitor, and good old Douchey McF'erson wasn't helping things out either.

Over the course of the year, things that won't happen but are fun to extrapolate:
F-Gutz maintaining his 1.00o/162/486
Indians 162-0
Royals 162-0
Tigers 0-162
Joe Borowski: 0-0, 162 saves, 9.00 ERA
"Shaky Leg" Betancourt, 162-0, 0.00 ERA 2.4 WHIP
Casey "Douchey McF'erson" Blake w/RISP 1.000 avg, 3.000 OPS, 486 RBI

Will CC repeat with the Cy? Maybe, one start certainly isn't enough to tell anything. Though given his contract situation, I'd be ok with a 16-11, low 4's year as long as we still win the world series. Look for Jake Westbrook to be huge this year... really... just ignore this comment when he pitches against the Tigers.

So Hillary isn't dropping out until she's either economically forced to, or not at all. Do people contributing to her campaign not realize that her campaign is leaving local businesses shafted? The champion of mandated health care isn't even paying for her own staff's health care on time. The real problem I have with Hillary, more than all the crap about "The Commander-in-Chief Threshold," "The 4 Year Old Sniper," and the NAFTA bullshit shenanigans is that she just now realized the power of grass roots organizing. If she had managed to stay classy and reached out to the internet progressive roots, she would be the nominee.

Don't get me wrong, Obama would still be the favorite amongst the majority of us, but there would be more that would have actually believed the inevitability and perhaps voted for her to end the race early and focus on McCain. Instead, she let the intellectual section of the democratic party get behind a powerful speaker with a powerful message who naturally carries one of the other larger segments of the democratic party as well. This combination doesn't come along very often, it is certainly the first time in my life. I just hope that women realize that McCain is just an old joke who stopped the straight talk express 4 years ago. I hope the Democratic party will not screw it up, though as I commented to Dan awhile ago (around Super Tuesday) 'I don't know why I'm getting so excited for Obama, knowing the Democrats, they'll find a way to fuck it up.' Thankfully Obama survived the one thing that had a chance to totally screw it up... but being the son of a preacher man myself, I don't want to even get into the joke that story is. Not to mention the completely irresponsible media coverage, not that that's too surprising. I encourage all 2 people who will read this to actually read some of Rev. Wright's sermons, even some of the ones with the inflammatory language, and you'll see why someone as intelligent as Barack could be drawn to him.

There are many things that need to happen this year, for a very personal reason. Though we won't know for sure until tomorrow, it appears extremely likely that my mom will be having a very tough fight ahead of her for the rest of her life as initial scans shows distant recurrence of her decade beaten breast cancer in all of the likely spots so far, brain to be determined. The Indians need to win the series, a Democrat needs to take back the White House, and hopefully none of these things will need to move up. Prayers are welcomed, though anyone who comes at me with 'things happen for a reason' is likely to be drug out to the street and shot. I've always hated that phrase, though that's probably just the theistic evolutionist inside. Anyway, we've always known it was a possibility, and getting incredibly educated in the first go around helps, but damn.

1 comment:

DP said...

I generally prefer the axiom of "God never gives you more than you can handle, even though it may seem like it." Spoken from personal experience.

Our prayers will continue, and I second the notion of the things that need to happen.